Category: Font


Change the font used by a text component. The file "font" will be applied to every single text component in the entire game.

Supported File Types

JSON Parameters

This category uses JSON files. JSON files are used to set additional information which can't be specified in the file itself. To use a JSON file, make a new file of file type .json with the same name as the file you are setting information for. For example, if you're setting custom information for the file rifle.png, you would make a new file named rifle.json. Inside the JSON file, you can set variables which will affect how the file is affected in-game. Each file page has an example of the default JSON it uses, so you can see which variables you can modify. Additionally, the table below shows all modifiable JSON variables for this category.

Name Description
styles Allows you to add different styles to the font, like an outline or drop shadow. Read more here.
atlasPadding Leave this as the default unless you really have a reason to change it. Determines how far apart the characters are in the generated atlas. The farther apart they are, the bigger an underlay style you can have.
gradient A custom gradient applied to each character in the font.

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