File: locked_shield_foreground


This is filled inversely proportional to the amount of health upgrades the player has. When the player has 4 health upgrades, it will be completely empty. When the player has 0 health upgrades, it will be completely full. It's a visual indicator of how much shield the player actually has available.

Default Texture

Default Dimensions: 256x256 pixels (this can be any size you want)

Light background

Dark background

Default JSON

  "fillMethod": "Radial360",
  "fillOrigin": 0,
  "fillClockwise": false,
  "color": "575757FF",
  "type": "Filled",
  "filterMode": "Bilinear",
  "wrapMode": "Clamp",
  "rotation": 0.0,
  "scale": {
    "x": 1.0,
    "y": 1.0
  "anchorMin": {
    "x": 0.0,
    "y": 0.0
  "anchorMax": {
    "x": 0.0,
    "y": 0.0
  "pivot": {
    "x": 0.5,
    "y": 0.5
  "anchoredPosition": {
    "x": 85.0,
    "y": 240.0
  "sizeDelta": {
    "x": 150.0,
    "y": 150.0

When you create your JSON file, if you don't include a variable it will just use the default value. You don't need to include every variable! Only include variables you want to change, otherwise it will get messy.

This JSON file uses enums, which are just variables that have multiple preset options. Here are the options for the included enums:

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